The Truth About Dental Implants

Three Options For Addressing A Severely Damaged Tooth

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When a tooth has suffered extensive damage, it can be a painful problem to experience, along with being a cosmetically important issue. You will need to take steps to correct the damage that the tooth has suffered. Sadly, you may not be fully aware of the treatment options that exist for severe instances of tooth damage. Tooth Reconstruction A tooth reconstruction can be a popular option, as it will help to save the tooth that has suffered this damage.…

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3 Reasons To Get Your Teeth Whitened

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If you are not happy with the way your teeth and smile look, is it because your teeth are discolored? Teeth naturally lose their whiteness over time, but that does not mean that you have to live with discolored teeth. If you do not like the way your teeth look, you could get them whitened at a dental clinic, and here are three good reasons to consider doing this. To feel better about yourself…

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3 Cosmetic Dental Procedures That Can Change Your Smile

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Cosmetic dentists specialize in treatments that help improve both the appearance and the functionality of your teeth. Because of this, a lot of people come to them who would like to improve the look of their smile. There are some truly incredible procedures that can be done and three of them will be discussed here.   Veneers One cosmetic procedure that can improve every single tooth in your mouth is the bonding of veneers to your teeth.…

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