The Truth About Dental Implants

4 Ways To Help Keep Your Teeth White

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If you look in the mirror and see that your teeth are stained and discolored, you may decide that you want to whiten your teeth and get rid of those stains. If you do go through the whitening process, you want to make sure that your teeth stay white. There are a few things that you can do that will help your teeth stay white.  Use a Straw If you love your colas, iced tea, or other dark drinks, use a straw.…

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3 Foods You Should Avoiding Eating While Wearing Braces

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Braces are a great way to keep your teeth straight, correct jaw alignment problems, and even solve something like an overbite. There are young children who get braces, as well as people well into adulthood. Braces are by far the most effective and best way to correct problems with the teeth. But during the time that you wear braces, you need to make sure that you are protecting them so that you don’t damage the wires, or your mouth.…

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Three Reasons To Visit Your Dentist During Pregnancy

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During your pregnancy, you’ll need to stay on top of more than just prenatal visits. Regular checkups by your dentist can help you to prevent dental issues from arising throughout the pregnancy, and it can help you to keep your smile looking great too. Here are three more reasons you should consider scheduling a dentist checkup during your pregnancy. Tooth Brushing And Morning Sickness If you are experiencing morning sickness, you may find it difficult to brush your teeth in the morning.…

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