The Truth About Dental Implants

3 Negative Effects Of Smoking After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

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Wisdom teeth are teeth that you probably do not need, and they can often lead to oral problems if they are left in your mouth. Because of this, getting these teeth extracted is quite common, even when a person is not experiencing any problems with these teeth. If you smoke and want to get these teeth extracted, you should realize the negative effects smoking can have on a person after they get their wisdom teeth removed.…

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Close the Gaps between Your Teeth with Invisalign

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When you think of braces, you probably picture metal brackets and wires on teeth. Standard braces are made up of wires and brackets, but this is not the only option available for straightening teeth. Today, you can choose an alternative option, which is known as Invisalign. Invisalign is effective for straightening teeth; however, the results are achieved in a different way than from the use of regular metal braces. This method is becoming very popular and can be used to fix numerous types of problems with teeth, including to close gaps between teeth.…

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5 Tips To Protect Your Child's Teeth Enamel

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Teeth enamel is basically the source of protection that your teeth have from outside forces. They effectively work as your teeth’s armor or kevlar. No time in your life, however, is the protection of your teeth more necessary than during childhood. During childhood, making sure your teeth are protected means your adult teeth will grow in healthy and safe, your gums are protected and won’t fall victim to disease and your teeth will grow in nice and straight.…

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