The Truth About Dental Implants

Effects Of Excessive Alcohol On Oral Health

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If you are a heavy drinker, you probably do not realize that this habit can have devastating effects on your oral health. Occasional drinking will not be harmful for your mouth and teeth, but drinking excessively can lead to the following types of oral health issues. Dry Mouth Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, is a condition that is caused by a lack of saliva in the mouth. When you have dry mouth, your mouth will feel dry all the time, and this occurs when the saliva glands fail to produce enough saliva to keep your mouth hydrated.…

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Understanding The Dental Implant Root Features That Keep The Device In Place

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Dental implants are common implements used to replace adult teeth that have been lost through accidents, diseases, or decay issues. If you want a dental implant, then the device may be confusing to you. Since dental implants require a fairly invasive surgical procedure, a misunderstanding of the implant may cause you to shy away from scheduling the surgery. Failure concerns are common and often stem from the confusion surrounding the root device and how it bonds with the bone.…

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Bone For Your Dental Implant Surgery - Your Dentist Can Help You Regrow It

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If you are considering having dental implants, one of the first things your dentist will check is the amount of bone that you have to hold the implant in place. If you do not have enough bone, there is a good chance that your implant will not fuse correctly, which will put you at risk of your implant failing in the future. The good news is, your dentist may be able to help you to regrow or regenerate the bone you need to have a successful implant.…

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