When you were just a school-aged young person there was probably at least one individual you knew who wore braces. It’s very common for young people and teenagers to get braces because their teeth may have grown in crooked and their parents wanted to correct the problem as early as possible. However, the older you get it might seem that fewer and fewer people are wearing braces. The truth is that even though it might look as though braces are a thing of the past you must understand that they are still very relevant.…
If you have reached the age where your gums are no longer healthy and your jaw bone isn’t either, then your dentist may recommend that you consider getting some dentures. Dentures are a great way to help patients who have weak jaw bones and teeth to be able to enjoy chewing and smiling without surgery. As a false set of teeth that you can take out when you’re sleeping, a lot of patients like dentures because they aren’t permanent.…
Dental implants are one of the most desired tooth replacement options, and you will have a few different choices to make when considering implant devices. While most implants are inserted directly into the jaw, others are actually secured on top of the bone. These tooth implants are called subperiosteal implants. Keep reading to learn about some facts about these devices.
They Are Not Always Used
If you speak to your dental professional you will learn that endosteal implants, which are placed in the jaw, are far more common than subperiosteal varieties.…