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How Your Family Dentist Can Treat Overlapping Teeth

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Overlapping teeth may be caused by dental crowding. This can be the result of malocclusion, also known as an uneven bite, and missing teeth. If you lose teeth, the empty space may cause your other teeth to shift out of place. When this happens, your teeth may become crowded and may even overlap. If not treated, overlapping teeth can increase your risk for cavities and gum disease. Here are some ways your family dentist can treat your overlapping teeth.

Scaling And Root Planing Treatment

In addition to getting regular teeth cleanings, your family dentist may recommend a special type of deep cleaning called scaling and root planing. The scaling part of this treatment gets rid of plaque from your teeth, and during the root planing part, your family dentist will remove plaque from the roots of your teeth. This treatment helps prevent and treat gum disease by removing plaque and hard calculus from under your gums and between your crowded teeth.

When your teeth overlap, you may be unable to brush and floss properly, and because of this, professional cleanings may be needed to maintain your oral health. During your scaling and root planing procedure, your family dentist will also examine your teeth and gums for abnormalities. They may also recommend a series of bitewing X-rays so that all the structures of your overlapping teeth and their roots can be visualized and assessed. 

Chlorhexidine Prescription Oral Rinse

In between your professional teeth cleaning appointments, your family dentist may recommend that you rinse your mouth with a special antibacterial mouthwash such as a chlorhexidine oral rinse. The mouthwash can get in between your overlapping teeth and underneath your gums where your toothbrush and flossing string cannot reach. This will not only help prevent dental decay and periodontal disease but may also help treat existing oral infections caused by crowded teeth.

Chlorhexidine mouthwash will also help treat bleeding, irritated, and inflamed gums caused by overlapping teeth and inadequate oral hygiene. Chlorhexidine antibacterial mouthwash is only available by prescription, and while it is considered safe, it can cause side effects such as tooth staining, dry mouth, taste abnormalities, and mild oral irritation. Let your dentist know if you experience any of these side effects. 

If you have overlapping or crowded teeth, consider the above treatment interventions and visit your family dentist. With regular visits to your dentist and proper treatment, you can lower your risk for cavities and periodontal disease and enjoy a healthier smile.

For more info about family dental care, contact a local professional. 
