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Sensitive Teeth: Causes And Cures

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Sensitive teeth can be more than a minor annoyance, they can be a huge painful problem. There are a number of causes of sensitive teeth, and a few different ways in which you can combat your teeth sensitivity.  

Sensitive Teeth Symptoms

The most obvious symptom of sensitive teeth is pain and discomfort in the mouth, specifically teeth. This pain can be ever-present, or only caused when eating certain foods or when the teeth are exposed to a certain temperature. Some people are sensitive to sour or acidic foods, some are sensitive to candy, and some are sensitive to hot or cold foods.

Depending on how sensitive your teeth are, they may also be sensitive to brushing, using mouthwash, or even just air hitting your teeth when you breathe in. When sensitive teeth makes brushing your teeth or tapping your teeth together very painful, this is when a trip to the dentist should be involved.

Causes Of Sensitive Teeth

One of the biggest causes of sensitive teeth is receding gums. Receding gums occur when the parts of the gum that surrounds the teeth start to pull away. This results in more of the tooth, and sometimes even the tooth's roots, being exposed. Receding gums can be caused by brushing your teeth too hard, eating sugary foods, smoking, and using certain toothpastes or mouthwashes.

On top of causing sensitive teeth, receding gums also provide the perfect environment for bacteria to flourish in your mouth. As your gums start to recede, small pockets are formed between the tooth and the gums, where bacteria quickly builds up. If not dealt with, this bacteria can eat away at your teeth, and you may end up having to have teeth pulled.

Other causes of sensitive teeth include: grinding your teeth, general wear and tear of the teeth over time, tooth decay, teeth bleaching, and plaque build-up. As most teeth sensitivity is due to larger problems with your oral health, it is important to visit the dentist to determine the cause of your sensitive teeth as soon as you start to experience symptoms.

Remedies For Sensitive Teeth

Trying to find a remedy for sensitive teeth depends on the person. What works for one person may not work for another. First of all, take notice of habits that you engage in that result in receding gums and try to eliminate them. At the very least, try to cut down on them. This includes eating acidic or sugary foods and smoking. If the teeth are healthy, they will not feel sensitive!

Brushing and flossing twice a day is a must for those with sensitive teeth, as plaque build-up can cause sensitivity. Remember, it is unproductive to brush your teeth right after consuming food or drink that is high in acidity, as it can decay the enamel further. It is also recommended that you use a mild mouthwash that contains fluoride, to strengthen your teeth. If you suspect your sensitive teeth is due to the fact that you grind your teeth, invest in a mouth-guard to wear at night.

Other useful remedies include going to the dentist to ensure there isn't a larger underlying problem, changing brushing methods, and using toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. Although it is advisable that using toothpaste for sensitive teeth too often (more than three times a day) could actually increase tooth sensitivity.

After the steps to prevent sensitive teeth are taken, it is important not to give up and start to engage in bad habits again! Just because tooth sensitivity goes away does not mean that you are immune to having your gums recede and your sensitivity returning.
